
【字体: 时间:2010年02月04日 来源:生物通


  美国Wake Forest大学著名神经生物学家Stein教授领衔的研究小组在听觉神经生物学方面取得新的研究进展,相关成果文章Adult Plasticity in Multisensory Neurons: Short-Term Experience-Dependent Changes in the Superior Colliculus发表在《Journal of Neuroscience》上。


生物通报道,美国Wake Forest大学著名神经生物学家Stein教授领衔的研究小组在听觉神经生物学方面取得新的研究进展,相关成果文章Adult Plasticity in Multisensory Neurons: Short-Term Experience-Dependent Changes in the Superior Colliculus发表在《Journal of Neuroscience》上。









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Adult Plasticity in Multisensory Neurons: Short-Term Experience-Dependent Changes in the Superior Colliculus


Liping Yu,1 Barry E. Stein,2 and Benjamin A. Rowland2


1East China Normal University, School of Life Sciences, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, Shanghai, China, and 2Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27157-1010


Correspondence should be addressed to Barry E. Stein, Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC 27157-1010. Email: bestein@wfubmc.edu


Multisensory neurons in the superior colliculus (SC) have the capability to integrate signals that belong to the same event, despite being conveyed by different senses. They develop this capability during early life as experience is gained with the statistics of cross-modal events. These adaptations prepare the SC to deal with the cross-modal events that are likely to be encountered throughout life. Here, we found that neurons in the adult SC can also adapt to experience with sequentially ordered cross-modal (visual-auditory or auditory-visual) cues, and that they do so over short periods of time (minutes), as if adapting to a particular stimulus configuration. This short-term plasticity was evident as a rapid increase in the magnitude and duration of responses to the first stimulus, and a shortening of the latency and increase in magnitude of the responses to the second stimulus when they are presented in sequence. The result was that the two responses appeared to merge. These changes were stable in the absence of experience with competing stimulus configurations, outlasted the exposure period, and could not be induced by equivalent experience with sequential within-modal (visual-visual or auditory-auditory) stimuli. A parsimonious interpretation is that the additional SC activity provided by the second stimulus became associated with, and increased the potency of, the afferents responding to the preceding stimulus. This interpretation is consistent with the principle of spike-timing-dependent plasticity, which may provide the basic mechanism for short term or long term plasticity and be operative in both the adult and neonatal SC.


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